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Aligned to our core values, our community service work involves helping to build the whole person. When we focus on that, we help to build whole communities.

Community Service

The communities that we work in are also the communities that we serve in.

Community Building

Food for Seniors. We regularly deliver food boxes to seniors in need in the city of Detroit and all over the Metro Detroit Area.

Focus: Hope
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MRA. Literacy is one of our core values. We have volunteered our time to plan conferences, serve on the editorial board, and lend our time support organizations focused on improving literacy practices.

Michigan Reading Association

boldli Exceptional Youth Services (formerly Detroit Institute for Children). Aaron volunteers by serving on the board of directors, by giving time, and by assisting in programming and fundraising.

boldli (formerly Detroit Institute for Children)



Organizations that we have given our time to over the years

Our Work Goes Beyond Consulting

See how we engage our communities


We see potential in the communities around us and we want to be of help.

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Literacy Reseach Association

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Detroit Institute for Children

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Focus Hope



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American Literacy Association

Contributed donations to the organization to move forward their mission. 

boldli (formerly Detroit Institute for Children)

Contributed to buy books for Metro Detroit area elementary students, helped to organize book drive, and donated to fund overall operations of the organization.

American Literacy Society
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Provided scholarship for teachers to attend the annual conference.

Michigan Reading Association
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Organizations that we have fiscally provided for over the years

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